Refik Anadol
Nick Boss
Kian Khiaban
Ho Man Leung
Raman K. Mustafa
Toby Heinemann
Sebastian Neitsch
David Gann
Kerim Karaoglu
SALT Research
Ari Algosyan
Adem Ayaz
Merve Elveren
Dilge Eraslan
Sani Karamustafa
Vasıf Kortun
Meriç Öner
Cem Yıldız
Jac de Haan
Andrea Held
Kenric McDowell
Mike Tyka
6 Meters Wide Circular Architectural
4 Channel Video
8 Channel Audio
Custom Software
Media Server
Table for UI Interaction

Archive Dreaming is an immersive media installation driven by the connection between 1,700,000 documents found in the archives of SALT Research collections, developed during Refik Anadol’s residency at Google’s Artists and Machine Intelligence Program. Transforming the gallery space at SALT Galata into an all-encompassing environment that intertwines history with the present moment, the project challenges immutable concepts of archive, and destabilizes archive-related questions with machine learning algorithms. Archive Dreaming, which is presented as part of The Uses of Art: Final Exhibition with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union, is user-driven; however, when idle, the installation “dreams” of unexpected correlations among documents. The resulting high-dimensional data and interactions are translated into an immersive space. This radical effort to deconstruct the framework of an illusory space transgresses the traditional boundaries of the viewing experience of a library. It transforms the conventional flat cinema projection screen into a three dimensional kinetic and architectonic space.